Tuesdays 12:00pm – 2:00pm (If you are able, please arrive 15 minutes early to help set up.)
Eastern Hills Community Church – Youth Building 91 Savannah Lane, Carlsborg, WA
To email the director:
Copyright Compliance:
RainShadow Ringers observe federal law regarding the use of copyright protected materials.
Pam Bedford and Christine Hill control the bank account and manage the finances.
Mister Sandman – Ron Mallory
Sunrise, Sunset – Andrea Handly
Jazz Pizzicato – Martha Lynn Thompson
The River – Anna Laura Page
‘Tis a Gift to be Simple – Anna Laura Page
All Night, All Day – Arranged by Sondra Tucker
Colors of the Wind – Arranged by Paul and Sue McKlveen
Shenandoah – Arranged by Jason W. Krug
Knick Knack Paddy Whack – Dan Edwards
Hallelujah – Joel Raney
Handbell Notations Symbols and Definitions
Handbell Musicians of America is “the principal voice of the handbell/handchime art form and is dedicated to advancing the art through education, community and communication.”
Area 10 Handbell Musicians of America – includes Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Alaska and part of Canada.
Jeffers Handbell Supply, Inc. has a great website called They sell music, instruments, equipment, supplies, gifts and more, but they also have some educational materials posted as well.
Handbell music and educational material from
Schulmerich Handbells
Malmark Handbells – Nancy Kirkner of Seattle shares techniques for mallets, multiple bells in hand, bell trees and her specialty solo ringing.
Change Ringing – Peals, and change ringing resources.
Bells of the Bluffs (Joy rings here)